[原文地址]Implementing Model-View-Presenter in ASP.NET
[原文作者]Alex Mueller
本文将介绍MVP模式的基础以及在ASP.NET中的3中实现方式,让读者了解在各种不同的实现方式中 ASPX页面,ASCX用户控件和Presenter的不同功能,该模式在ASP.NET中没有一种完全正确的实现方式,具体采用何种方式完全取决于个人喜好。
ASP.NET默认采用的Page Controller模式对应用程序分层和测试都没有提供良好的支持,对ASP.NET运行时的依赖使得测试必须在实际的应用场景中才可以顺利进行,我们要寻找一种更好的模式以针对不同的视图页提高测试效率,MVP就是这样一种方式。
Model-view-presenter旨在应用程序分层和提高测试效率,它的主要目标是将显示逻辑与业务逻辑分离,正如我们设计面向对象程序中创建松散耦合并可重用的对象。为了实现该目的,我们针对各种不同的业务创建不同的类和层,例如:View, presentation, service和data-access。在ASP.NET中很容易将这种业务逻辑添加到页面或用户控件类中,但同时造成紧耦合并降低了可重用性和测试效率。MVP通过使用presenter层将显示逻辑和控制逻辑相分离。
MVP的另一个目标是提高针对View的测试效率。编写依赖Session, ViewState, AJAX, HTML或web控件和业务实体的单元测试类较为复杂,因此我们将各视图的显示逻辑保留在ASPX/ASCX文件类中,并将业务逻辑从中分离出来放在相应的类中,在MVP中Presenter充当视图和业务逻辑的缓冲层。
Martin Fowler将MVP模式分为主动控制(Supervising Controller)和被动控制(Passive Controller)两种,不同于真正的MVC(Model-View-Controller)框架针对View和Presentation(Controller)进行严格的区分,因为在ASP.NET中这种划分默认是不被强化的。it is difficult to enforce any one implementation of MVP without conscientious effort on the part of the developer, and the grey area between implementing a Supervising Controller and a Passive View widens. 我在创建Presenter时的原则是从View中剥离出尽可能多的希望进行测试的代码并放在presenter中,view只负责处理各自的诸如Javascript, HTML和WebControls, AJAX框架的代码,因此在我的View中仍然有一些逻辑代码,我将该种方式界定为主动控制被动视图(Supervising Controller versus Passive View), 在几个不眠之夜之后终于在ASP.NET中实现了主动控制方式。
GUI Architectures
Supervising Controller
Passive View
Presenter First
Model View Presenter with ASP.NET
ASP.NET Supervising Controller (Model View Presenter) From Schematic To Unit Tests to Code
在ASP.NET中实现MVP模式时,我的设计融合了多种思路,一种来自于Billy McCafferty另一种来自Phil Haack。因为我是通过一个事件驱动的windows应用程序了解到MVP因此我采用自己更为熟悉的事件驱动方式来实现。Web的无状态特性是我需要克服的第一个障碍。在ASP.NET中我们需要在客户端与服务器的每一次返送中借助IsPostBack属性重建MVP关系来实现状态持久化。示例代码中演示了我们如何通过传入IsPostBack值来重建presenter的方式解决该问题。MVP在ASP.NET中的实现方式有很多种,而具体选择某种方式完全取决于个人喜好,我偏好的实现方式包含了上面提到的两位作者的思路以及我自己的一些发现。
下面将分为3 部分介绍,一部分介绍每种实现方式。我将从介绍ASP.NET中的MVP开始,然后介绍事件驱动的实现方式,最后我介绍第三种我认为复用性更高的实现方式。示例代码包含了每一种实现方式,代码中的每一个模块应用了不同的实现方式,下面的代码并不完整而只是表明基本的工作原理。
第一种实现方式是Billy McCafferty提出的,该方式将ASPX的功能定义为“视图初始化和页面定位”。ASCX用户控件作为View,presenter只知道描述View的接口,ASPX页面只负责初始化presenter和传入需要的View和model对象,并将presenter绑定到view,因此view在必要的时候要引用Presenter。最后,页面调用presenter的InitView方法模拟ASP.NET中的PostBack事件。



Reflecting on the Implementations
每种方式各有千秋,没有真正的ASP.NET MVP框架,因此实现方式的选择由个人偏好决定。
After settling my philosophical debates and finally feeling comfortable with certain responsibilities of the ASPX page, ASCX user control, and presenter in ASP.NET, I have created this third implementation. This third implementation is similar to the first implementation but it omits the role of the ASPX "view initializer and page redirector." On the positive side, my view is more reusable across my application since it is more self reliant. On the negative side, my view now has the added responsibility of creating the presenter and responding to events the presenter may raise. Even though I may feel that certain responsibilities are crossing boundaries, I keep reminding myself that this is MVP in ASP.NET - this is not a true MVC framework that enforces that good separation of concerns like Monorail.
MVP provides a number of advantages, but to me, the two most important are separation of concerns and testability. There is a fair amount of overhead involved in using MVP, so if you are not planning on writing unit tests, I would definitely reconsider using the pattern.
As we see with the three different implementations, there are numerous ways to implement the pattern in ASP.NET. There are even more ways than what I have chosen to display. Choose an implementation that best suits your needs. I have to work hard at implementing MVP in ASP.NET, and there are certain tradeoffs I need to be willing to accept. As long as my code is testable, reusable, maintainable, and there exists a good degree of separation of concerns, I am happy.
With Microsoft's news of releasing an MVC framework for ASP.NET, there is hope on the horizon for a framework that enforces good separation of concerns and testability. The Castle Project's Monorail is another MVC framework that I highly recommend. If you cannot wait for Microsoft's MVC framework, or do not wish to port your application to Monorail at this time, then implementing MVP could be your answer.
About the Sample Project
The sample project is written in ASP.NET 2.0 using C#. I am using the Northwind database. I am using SubSonic as my data access layer. Since SubSonic is built using the active record pattern, I do have to use interfaces in order to make my DAO classes testable. For my unit testing, I am using RhinoMocks as my mocking framework.
The sample application is comprised of five projects. The WebApp, Model, Presentation layer, Presentation.Tests, and SubSonic data access layer. This sample is simplistic and should be used as a demo. I may be doing some things in code for the sake of brevity and to simplify the concepts. This is my disclaimer for not providing "production" code with all the frameworks, tools, and layers I typically create.